
Monday, March 19, 2012

Thing #13

I had never heard of Zoho before Thing #13, it gives everyone the oppurtunity to use a word processing program online when they do not have one avialable to them. Just as Google docs does, I think I like using Google Docs more then Zoho just because I know how to navigate around the site more. For me perosonally, I found it hard to find things on the Zoho website. I must say it is a great website for iPad users to use to work on papers instead of paying and downloading an app!

Both word processing documents would be great for students to use to work on assignments collabritively. I currently am working on a project for another class and posted the presentation on Google Docs for my groupmates to recieve it and be able to edit it. I think that is another reason why I like Google Docs so much because my contacts and groups are already in google. I think everyone should be familiar with these two websites!