
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thing #23

I found the blog site http://23thingsonastick.blogspot.com/

Knowing about the creative commons licensing I now look to see if I can copy and paste a picture into my Power Point projects. I think twice before taking a picture off of a friends facebook profile. As teachers we have to ensure that we are being an example to the students that we teach. If we are not teaching our students how to cite where they are getting their information from or doing it ourselves how can we expect them to.

Thing #22

If I only completed this thing before my INTASC folder was due for 3070, it would have helped tremendously. LiveBinder provides people to keep up with bookmarked web pages in a central location over a central topic, it is a brilliant idea. I created a Lesson Plan Idea, Bag of Tricks, and Teaching Strategies binders. I think it would be hard to have my younger students understand how to use LiveBinders but if I get a 5th or 6th grade classroom I could use the binder for a science or social studies activity.

Thing #21

Animoto just made my morning! I love taking pictures of myself, friends, family, and cheerleaders. I always want to create a slideshow at the end of the season for my kids for all the pictures I have taken but hate using powepoint to do it. Animoto is so much simpler, I am definietly thinking about buying a membership, I have even downloaded it my iPhone.

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Thing #20

The  video I chose to embed was a video I found on youtube called Teaching for the Future. The movie explains how the government place standards and curriculm at high standard to ensure that students are learning to make the future students better adults. Then shows different movie clips with teachers in them motivating students to be better students and encourgaing them to learn. Youtube provides teachers with motivatinal and instructional videos for them to use.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gePfzcvyCxE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thing #19

I am currently a member of facebook, twitter (the ones I use the most), youtube, myspace, and now TeacherPop. TeacherPop and Yelp was very appealing to me. Firstly, TeacherPop is for teachers and inspiring teachers, allowing us to create our own social networking community. I also like that there is someone that is approving who can and can not join the website. I also like Yelp, Yelp allows you to find new things to do and places to eat in the city and cities that I might take a vacation at.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thing #18

Social Networking comes with great qualities along with the bad qualities. I remember being in high school and could not wait to walk across the stage and my teachers accept my friend request to  be their friend. Being friends with my high school teachers allowed me to keep connected with them throughout college to be the help line I needed when I needed someone to proofread a paper or help write a lesson plan. This is the same way it could be used in the classroom today. Teachers could create a classroom facebook page to connect with parents, especially those parents that could be overseas since we live in a military community.

With every good there comes the bad. Social Networking allowed bullys to find another way of picking on their peers. Cyberbullying has become the new thing to do in schools. Teachers have to know how to roam social networks sites when students complain about being picked on outside the classroom walls.

Organization with Thing #17

Being the google lover that I am I chose iGoogle, iGoogle allows me to see the things that I want to see, such as, the weather, movie showtimes, blog updates, and my upcoming events. iGoogle also allows me to make my background a picture of myself. ;) The calender allows me to be update when I log on to my laptop, phone, and iPhone, being a cheerleading coach, student, and athlete it keeps my head on straight. The to-do list was too much work for me I would rather use my handwritten planner to keep up with the things I need to complete. I would suggest for someone to use iGoogle it allows them to get to see information they search the web for right on there homepage. Making it effective for in the home and at school.