
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thing #3

An education blog I could possibly use for so many things in the classroom. I could use it to reflect about the lesson plans that I used, what were good about it and worked and vice versa.  I could also make students use it to communicate with classmates and myself about homework, problems they are having, or things they are enjoying in class. I could also do the same thing to communicate with my parents.

Thing #2

When I was creating my blog I was seating in class and had to think of my usernames and blog title name on the fly. I choose JRichardson as my posting name because it is the first part of my username for my Austin Peay email and it is easy for me to remember. I choose Richardson as my blog name because I had to have my last name as part of my blog title. I am pretty sure it will change as I continue through my 23 things.

Creating my blog was not hard at all, I found it quite easy actually! I tend to blog a lot during ruff times in my life because it is easier for me to type my thouhgt  then to write them down.

My avatar really does not look like me but it does resemble my personality. I always wear my hair short with a bang and always have a cup of coffee with me to keep me moving through the day. I actually am sipping a cup of starbucks coffee as I type!

Thing #1

While watching 7 1/2 habits I wrote down each habit and began to think about each one and how it related to my life today. The easiest habit for me was number three. Everyday between dealing with school, work, cheerleading, and friends and family, I have learned that every problem I face is just a challenge that I will learn a life long lesson from. Especially inspiring to be a teacher, every lesson I plan will not be perfect, I will have to be flexible and stand up to the challenges I may face in the classroom. The hardest habit many might say is the easiest, but I say it is the hardest habit and that is habit 1/2. Many times I forget that life has to be enjoyable, being all work and no play could drive one to be insane.