
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thing #1

While watching 7 1/2 habits I wrote down each habit and began to think about each one and how it related to my life today. The easiest habit for me was number three. Everyday between dealing with school, work, cheerleading, and friends and family, I have learned that every problem I face is just a challenge that I will learn a life long lesson from. Especially inspiring to be a teacher, every lesson I plan will not be perfect, I will have to be flexible and stand up to the challenges I may face in the classroom. The hardest habit many might say is the easiest, but I say it is the hardest habit and that is habit 1/2. Many times I forget that life has to be enjoyable, being all work and no play could drive one to be insane.


  1. Jasmine,

    After reading your post about the 7 1/2 habits, I was impressed with the fact that your easist habit was number three, facing every problem as a challege. This is the habit that I chose as my hardest one. I have a tendency to be incredibly driven but hard on myself at the same time. Whereas I can completely appreciate being humbled or optimistic about the opportunity that arises out of a problem, I still struggle with not looking at a distressing problem as an unfortunate obstacle.

    I appreciated you sharing your outlook on the way you view and overcome a problem. By simply categorizing a problem as a challenge, we exude optimistic attitudes that accept imperfections as an opportunity for improvement. Thanks for the post!

  2. I like that you mention play as your difficult habit, the only reason I didn't mention it on my blog is simply because I forgot to. When I get caught up in work and school, it's so easy to forget to have fun in life. I'm glad I'm not the only one learning to incorporate more fun.
