
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thing #18

Social Networking comes with great qualities along with the bad qualities. I remember being in high school and could not wait to walk across the stage and my teachers accept my friend request to  be their friend. Being friends with my high school teachers allowed me to keep connected with them throughout college to be the help line I needed when I needed someone to proofread a paper or help write a lesson plan. This is the same way it could be used in the classroom today. Teachers could create a classroom facebook page to connect with parents, especially those parents that could be overseas since we live in a military community.

With every good there comes the bad. Social Networking allowed bullys to find another way of picking on their peers. Cyberbullying has become the new thing to do in schools. Teachers have to know how to roam social networks sites when students complain about being picked on outside the classroom walls.

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